Historical Stream Conditions

10-25 to 09-04 conditiions

10-25-2012: The recent .2 of an inch of rain over the last 2 days should make fishing on the stretch behind the shop all the way to Naval Run easier if that is possible - it has been great. Many different flies have been working and are listed in the hatches below. Tomorrow evening I'm going to lead off with two bead-head emergers, a 12 slate drake and a caddis. Then I'm going to try a tan hopper in a 12-14 which looks like the hatching caddisses in a 12. I'll dead drift them then add a twitch - we'll see. The rest of the flies listed below will also be present, so, if the above somehow isn't what they want, another will be - hopefully! Others have been having success on all the flies listed below, although the methods of presenting them seems to be as varied as the patterns - the common factor has been movement and success...

10-11-2012: Everything stated below in 10-7-2012 is still important, although the hatches the last few evenings have been incredible, regardless of time of year. The heaviest hatches have been two caddis flies - a lighter brown and one that appears to have a grayish hew. in sizes 12-14. If the trout don't take the fly on the surface in a natural float, it should be twitched - this is usually when the fish strike. Some have had success fishing the caddis wet, or as a nymph lower in the water column. Others have caught trout on the surface using the slate drake, and stiil others have fished the drake, but with a soft hackle as an emerger or wet. The person writing this had trout after trout swirl at a psycho ant on the surface without a take, but, when twitched and worked on the top as you might fish a bugger, the fly produced a hook-up time after time. It appears they wanted movement, regardless of fly, if the trout got that action either under the water or on top, they struck. Try a natural drift, and if they don't hit, entice them with some action. What is happening is different from one part of the delyed harvest to the next, from dry flies, to wets, to nymphs and streamers - either switch the offering and how it is presented, or change locations 50 or 60 yards. The fishing is great day after day!

10-7-2012: Pine creek is excellent and continues to be in the same condition it has been in for a while. Almost 2 tenths of an inch of rain managed to keep the gauge height and discharge about the same which is nothing but good for the angler. The cubic feet per second of water is actually 5 CFS more than the average for this date. When the trout were stocked this week, many immediately began feeding on the Hepgenia hatch that was occurring at the time. The big terrestrials as well as the stimulators still are working well. It is interesting that people are catching trout on all the flies listed below, depending on where the are fishing on the Delayed Harvest Stretch from Slate Run, behind the shop, to the Naval Run Pool. Droppers (pheasant tails, Prince, gold-ribbed hares ear) are also working as well as wooly buggers. Don't limit yourself to what you see as the hatch, try something bigger, or just another fly from the list below. There are many, many trout, and they want to feed!

09-29-2012: Pine is as good as it was four days ago, I don't think it could be much better! The flies listed below are all working - depending on what the angler is using in what location. There are many trout, and a lot being caught and released that were stocked last March-May. the 19th's stocking was great and added many nice browns - the Fish Commission will be stocking this Tuesday so the trout population may be almost as high as it was anytime this year. A large amount of respect goes to the hugenumbers of trout that made it through the hot summer - only hot for us, the trout found where to survive, and prosper, they are certainly making their existence clear now! Pine and its trout and flies are in what a flyfisherman might describe as "perfect condition."

09-25-2012: Pine is in optimal fishing conditions - temperature in the high 50s, all the insects listed below continue to hatch in various numbers depending on the night and location. With the cooler temperatures, fish will continue to feed later into the morning and start earlier in the evening. They will also add middle of the afternoon feeding to their habits as the middle of the day will heat up the water and fly/trout activity much as in late April and earlier May. I don't believe I've ever seen such good trout activity in late September or as many angler hook-ups as this year!

09-20-2012: Pine is down to an excellent fishing level, particularly for streamers and buggers. Large terrestrials like BIG ants and grasshoppers should be very productive as fish trout become surface conscious again - the fly activity has been very good - if you don't see the hatches in the evening, change locations in the pool, they are there. Many trout are there, some very large specimens, and anglers are having success.

09-17-4012: There are many trout in Pine, and a lot of the fish are being seen by anglers from the mouth of Slate to the Naval Run Pool. It appears rain is on the way which will make the fishing even more interesting. Already anglers have been in the shop to buy streamers for the higher water that is supposed to be coming. Go to the white box on the webpage and click on the link at the bottom - the most recent newsletter has a link to a stocking video from the 13th. Watch for the 9-15-2012 newsletter which will contain many more videos of trout and Pine. Flies listed below are still favored with the evening hatch of October Caddis flies picking up - the Yak is an excellent immitation.

09-14-2012: Slate Run Tackle Shop and its Brown Trout Club stocked Browns on the Delayed Harvest Stretch last Thursday - September 13 -click on the following link to see video of the stocking. Sept 13 stocking video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3omAHOav1s&feature=plcp It was a great time with excellent browns - what browns aren't! Some were feeding minutes after being released - video of this to come... Pine is lower but still cooler, and the temperature should drop with the next few days. Still good but sporatic hatches - some feeding on emergers and surface. Still, try the terrestrials! More browns and rainbows were caught on Pine even before the stocking - and the two best flies appeared to be the Psycho Ant and the size 12-14 orange Light Cahill.

09-11-2012: Pine is already looking perfect for fishing and is down to 60 degrees! Rainbow in picture was caught and released at 7:45 last night on the upper end of the Pettecote Junction stretch on Pine using a size 8 Psycho Ant.

09-07-2012: A lot of rain last night, particularly north of Blackwell. Pine is up and brown in color, but not too high if the color clears. Water temperature in a flat pool on Pine in one foot of water at 11:00 A.M. this morning was 64 degrees. With the daytime temperature estimate for the next week averaging around 70 and night times in the 50s, water temperature and water level outlook is great. Slate and Cedar have a lot more water - perfect for fishing without as much concern for spooking the trout. Also, the trout have more room to feed - larger flies and terrestrials would work well right now!

09-04-2012: Water temperature fluctuation during a 24 hour period is less now that days are getting shorter and day time highs are lower. Average temperature in about two feet of moving water is around 70 degrees.
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